
Pacific Palisades: nothing like the founder wished

Did you know that the people in the Pacific Palisades are 89% white? No, diversity of skin color does not exist there in any significant way, at least not darker shades of skin tone. Traveling around the area gives me the creeps. Why? The white people there have secluded themselves from people different from them in skin color and culture.

The hypocrisy lies in the high percentage of Democrats and Liberals in the area. Democrats and Liberals claim to be the the party of minorities and people of color. But they sure don't want to live near those people. They may give lip service to thinking multicultural and being politically correct, but what they say and what they do are two very different and opposite things.

Final twist. Charles Holmes Scott founded Pacific Palisades in 1922 as a Chautauqua community for spiritual, philosophical and artistic people. I doubt his vision was compatible with the types of westsider Type-A people that live there today.

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