
Government as parent

We are seeing a return to the idea first championed by social planners in the progressive era - that government can and should play th erole of parent. Hillary Clinton and the Dems want to direct our lives through central planning. But the sad truth is that we, the people, vote for this entitlement mentality in which we exchange small and large freedoms in exchange for big brother to care for certain needs.

Especially here in California, the populace demands certain services from the government while also demanding that taxes not be raised. More and more I see this mindset of people expecting someone besides themselves to take care of them for free (give me "free" health care and let the rich pay for it).

The essential problem here is America's continuing divorce from that most American idea of all: self-supporting independence. People save less or nothing for retirement because they expect the Social Security to coddle them when that program was conceived for the indigent.

So the liberals slowly win with their idea that people need to be saved from themselves. If only people could understand the founders perspective: be suspicious of government, especially a growing goverment.

scatter brain

I've noticed in the past 5 years that an increasingly large number of people's attention spans are dwindling. This trend is rooted in two factors. 1. We have the ability now to overload ourselves with a variety of inputs and information. 2. Priorities have shifted from altruism to self-satisfaction.

I will attempt to remain vigilant as to this contagion in my own dealings. In the 17th and 18th centuries entertaining oneself without the company of others was much more difficult with television, video games, the internet, radio, and automobiles. There was conversation and books for those few that could acquire them.

I wonder if American society will splinter with the eroding cohension formerly built when people personally interacted more.

Tattooed Lower Backs

Why do so many women like to place a tattoo on the lumbar region of their back? To give the guy porking them from behind something to look at? Who else is going to see it besides him unless they wear a bathing suit in public?