
The Use of the Word "Race" and Barack Obama

I take offense to people use of the word "race" to describe primarily the skin color of people, but also the body type and shape. We are all of one race, homo sapien. "Race" is a controversial term, which comes from historical attempts to categorise people according to their skin color and physical characteristics. The word has no scientific basis for divisions into biologically determined groups. Individuals, not 'races', are the main sources of human variation.

I view Mr. Obama as the progeny of a white parent and a black parent. I do not see him as African American, although I don't quibble with others' implementation of that label. Most importantly, when I think of Mr. Obama, his skin color is not the prominent characteristic that comes to my mind, which is not the case for many people. The primary traits of his that stands out is his even temper, diligence, and intelligence.

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